Commercial New Construction
The Commercial New Construction Program offered by FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Companies provides complimentary energy design assistance and financial incentives to help offset the cost of implementing energy-efficient strategies for commercial and multifamily buildings. Whether it's a new construction project or a major renovation on an existing facility, our program provides you with the tools and incentives to complete the job.
FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Companies are Met-Ed, Penn Power, Penelec, and West Penn
To view all available programs offered by FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Companies please click HERE.
Receive financial incentives for your energy-efficient design decisions.
When you make informed decisions on energy-efficient design options that exceed the efficiency standards of a code-constructed building1, you and your clients benefit from financial savings year over year. Best of all, you can take advantage of available incentives to make your project more cost-effective!
Lower the cost of implementing energy-efficient strategies. The incentive amount is based on the annual electric savings as modeled and verified-as-installed by FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Companies.
Design Teams
Use incentives to offset design team time associated with program participation.
1Due to the adoption of IECC 2018 by Pennsylvania’s Uniform Construction Code on Feb 14, 2022, FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Companies (Met Ed, Penelec, Penn Power, West Penn Power) will be updating the Commercial New Construction (CNC) and Custom Building Improvements Assistance (CBI) programs energy efficiency baseline evaluation criteria beginning June 1, 2022 to reflect this change. Applications for new construction and/or major renovation projects that are submitted to FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Companies program and permitted after June 1, 2022 will utilize IECC 2018 as baseline for evaluation of energy efficiency savings.

See what works best for your design.
We provide complimentary energy design assistance with customized energy modeling that simulates building energy use. That way, you can see which efficiency strategies are the most cost-effective and have the biggest impact. Receive results that align with your design and construction schedule.
Energy efficiency made easy!
From enrollment to incentive, we make it easy to find the best energy-efficient solutions for your new build.
Customer Eligibility
The CNC Program is available for most project types including commercial, institutional, industrial, and multifamily.
To qualify, participating projects should be:
- In FirstEnergy’s service territory
- New construction, an addition, or a major renovation that includes multiple qualifying mechanical and lighting system measures
- Enrolled into the CNC program before HVAC Construction Documents are complete

Additional Information
For program details and customer documents, please refer to the links below:
Call 878-295-4498, email or fill out the form to get in contact.
FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Companies offer a suite of programs to benefit all customer sizes and project types. To view all available Commercial and Industrial offerings please click HERE.
Still looking for the perfect solution?
Explore the full range of commercial and industrial incentive programs offered by FirstEnergy Pennsylvania electric companies.